PERANAN BEA DAN CUKAI DALAM MELAKUKAN PENANGKAPAN TERHADAP PELAKU PENYELUNDUPAN (Studi Perkara Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai Tipe Madya Pabean B Teluk Bayur)
The role of customs in catching smugglers is very great. Customs has rights to catch the smuggler, confiscate the smuggled goods as the exhibit to be given to police for further process. This case is regulated on provision 74 of rules No. 17, 2006 about tax. The role of customs in catching smugglers has been proven by catching smugglers at Minangkabau International Airport in 2012-2014. The formulation of the problems are : 1). How is role of the customs in catching smugglers? 2). How is the constraints found by the customs in catching the smugglers? Type of the research is sociological law research. The data are primary and secondary data. The data got from interview and documents study. The data are analyzed qualitatively. The conclusion of research findings : 1). Role of customs in catching smugglers has been conducted maximally. It is proven by some smuggling cases that were successfully aborted by the customs officers and caught the smugglers. 2). The constraints that faced were lack of language ability, the weakness of coordination and cooperation among the officers and among related sides, lack facilities and infrastructures in inspection, the smugglers who give fictive explanations.
Keywords : Role, Customs, Catching, Smuggling
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