Children as sex offenders should be given legal protection as mentioned in Article 26 and Article 29 of the Law No. 11 of 2012 on the Criminal Justice System child. Investigation on children as perpetrators of sexual violence carried out exclusively by a special investigator children and shall seek diversion. Formulation of the problem is 1) What kind of legal protection provided by the investigator to children as perpetrators of sexual crimes in the investigation process in Padang Police ?. 2) Are the constraints found by investigators in providing legal protection for children as sex offenders in Padang Police ?. Sociological research methods is juridical. Data used include primary, secondary. Data collection techniques with interviews and document study. Conclusion The results of the study: 1) Form of the legal protection provided by the investigator to children as perpetrators of sexual crimes in the investigation process in the Police Padang which case settlement as soon as possible with diversion efforts made behind closed doors in a family atmosphere and accompanied by a parent. 2) The constraints were found by investigators in providing legal protection for children as sex offenders in Police Padang is the lack of children's special investigator, facilities and infrastructure in conducting the investigation and the lack of exposure of children in providing information and difficult to achieve diversion efforts.
Keywords: Legal Protection, Investigator, Child Offenders
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C. Sumber Lain,Empat Siswa SMA Perkosa Dinda Secara Bergilir di Atas Mobil,, Diakses Tanggal 27 Oktober 2014 pukul 15:46 WIB.