Act No. 40 of 2009 on Youth has stated that the renewal and development of the nation, the youth has a function and a strategic role as part of national development. The research problems are: (1). How are the tasks and functions of the Department of Youth and Sports in the West Sumatra province to provide guidance to youth organizations, based on Law No. 40 of 2009 on Youth. (2). How is the implementation of Law No. 40 of 2009 on led by the Department of Youth and Sports of West Sumatra province. (3). Are the constraints and the efforts of the Department of Youth and Sports in the West Sumatra province to guide the Youth Organization. The method used is the juridical sociological. Results of the study are: the Department of Youth and Sports incharge of preparing and setting up a strategic plan of the secretariat offices, fields and other tasks submitted by the Governor. Youth activities carried outin the form of youth ministry, carrying out awareness, empowerment, and development of leadership potential, entrepreneurial and pioneering youth. Constraints: a. Weak secretarial and office management; b. Funding sources are not concrete; c. Consolidation of the organization is not going well; d. Organizing the program faces many obstacles; e. The process of regeneration and regeneration generally does not run normally; f. Age leader stout old; g. The strategic role of youth organizations can not be fully utilized. Efforts: anticipate with programs that siifatnya build, such as training, coaching, awareness, and empowerment. Keywords: Diaspora, Development Organizations, YouthReferences
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B. Peraturan Perundang-undangan
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