Protected law of children as a victim of rape on a investigation step is on paragraph 81 UU Number 35 Year 2014 about Justice children and UU Number 11 Year 2012 about system Justice children. One of rape of children cause that happen in Resor of Police Padang Pariaman region on date 12 March 2015 as a suspect AR age 19 who rape AF age 17. The issue that about to discuss is (1) How is protection of law in a investigation step to children as a victim of rape crime in Resor of Police Padang Pariaman. (2) what is the obstacle that faced by investigator in giving a protection of law to a children as a victim of rape crime in Resor of Police Padang Pariaman?. Research type is using sociological. Data source is source data primer and source data sekunder. Technical research data is doing by interview and document study. Analysis was performed to analyze the file using qualitative analysis. The result of this study is (1) protection of law for a children as a victim of rape crime is in Resor of Police Padang Pariaman region in a investigation step is realized by react that the victims gets as long the criminal justice going on, like have a right to get a legal aid and anothers help to get accompanied by supervising community. (2) the obstacle that been facing by investigatorsin giving a protection law for a children as a rape crime in Resor of Police Padang Pariaman are investigator get a difficulty in a comunication with a victim, the victim get a trauma, and lack of facilities and infrastructure in doing investigation.
 Keywords : Protection, Child, Rape, Investigation
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