Criminal acts of narcotics is a criminal which is included in the extra ordinari crime then for the government to form a special body through Presidential Regulation No. 23 Year 2010 on the National Narcotics Agency. Formulation of the problem (1) What is the procedure of rehabilitation for addicts Narcotics and policy BNNP West Sumatra in the handling of narcotics in West Sumatra? (2) Are the constraints faced BNNP West Sumatra in the rehabilitation of addicts Narcotics and overcome? The research approach used Juridical Sociological, data sources include primary data and secondary data. Data collecting technique is interview, observation and document study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. (1) Addiction Narcotics should be regarded as victims who obliged rehabilitated Medical and Social, procedures and terms of rehabilitation of the addicts proven using narcotics from the results of urine tests, letters of application to BNNP include the stamp contains the identity of the Applicant, of application of Investigators , the public prosecutor or judge to be rehabilitated. (2) The constraints encountered BNNP in rehabilitating addicts Narcotics are addicts Narcotics feel embarrassed to report to BNNP that has become addicted to narcotics, people are less active role for the report to BNNP if there addict Narcotics should be rehabilitated their environment. Â
Keywords: BNNP, Narcotics, Rehabilitation, Recommendation
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