
  • Muhammad Reski


According to Article 39 paragraph (2) Police Regulation No. 23 Year 2010 on Organizational Structure and Work on Level Police and the Police Sector, task Force Intelligence Security Police Padang no disclosure of a criminal offense, but at the request of investigators as well as coordination between entities in Institution Police Force Intelligence security can also contribute to the disclosure of the crime plaguing the society of Padang, as the crime of motor vehicle theft for the crime theft vehicle belonging to organized crime means that the actors already have the respective roles of the various modes of doing theft vehicle criminal acts. Formulation of the problem (1) What is the role of the Intelligence Unit of the Police Security Padang in uncovering the criminal offense of theft of motor vehicles? (2) whatever, constraints encountered Padang Police Force security intelligence in uncovering the crime of theft of a motor vehicle? The research used socio-legal approach, Data sources include primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques were interviews and documentary study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Conclusion The results of the study were (1) Role of Force Intelligence Security Police of Padang in uncovering the crime of theft of a motor vehicle upon request investigator and coordinate various parties and conduct reconnaissance directly spaciousness is based on the principle of Intelligence (2) Obstacles encountered member unit of the Intelligence security in uncovering the crime of theft motor vehicle is alleged perpetrators to move where even escape out of West Sumatra

Keywords: Security Intelligence Service, Police, Theft, Vehicle


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