Firearms usually used by the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (INP) as one of the fittings in the line of duty and profession. However, based on the Decree of the Chief of Police No. 244 / II / 1999 and the Decree of the Chief of Police No. 82 / II / 2004 on Supervision and Control of Firearms and Ammunition non-organic TNI / police, or officials to allow individuals in possession of firearms through a series of tests and evaluation every year. Complicated permit legal ownership of firearms by civilians, making the circulation of illegal firearms increased, and one of them is used to commit the crime in the robbery Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in the campus of the University of Bung Hatta, which is the region of Padang police. The problems studied were: (1) How is the implementation of the criminal investigation of illegal use of firearms by civilians in Padang police? (2) What are the obstacles encountered by investigators in investigating cases of illegal use of firearms by civilians in Padang police? This study used social legal approach. Data used include primary data and secondary data. Data were obtained through interviews and documentary study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. From the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that: (1) Implementation of an investigation by police investigators Padang against criminal acts using a firearm illegally carried out after reports of victims or their families. (2) In conducting the investigation in a criminal offense the use of firearms by civilians, investigators have some problems, because there is no certainty that a clear message regarding the use of illegal firearms, and others.Keywords: Investigation, Civilian, Firearms, Illegal
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