Assembled computer sales showed improvement in line with advances in technology and the needs of society. Lack of public knowledge of developments in technology make the position between the seller and the buyer computer is not balanced, so that unwitting consumers have been harmed. This thesis aims to determine 1) Form of legal protection that is performed and/or supplied by the business in the buying and selling assembled computers, 2) The responsibility of businesses when there is defective product in the buying and selling computer assembly, 3) The reason businesses aren’t responsible if there are damaged or defective products in the transaction. The method in this study juridical sociological data collection techniques with interviews and study documents. Based on all the data obtained both primary data and secondary data compiled and analyzed by qualitative analysis method. The results of this study concluded that 1) Form of the legal protection given seller for the provision of warranties for computer components, wherein each component is different warranty period and also depends on the brand, but businesses don’t require the consumer to use the operating system original but gives the option to use the operating system is genuine or plowing 2) The responsibility of businesses in the form of doing repairs to the damaged components, if it can’t be repaired, the replacement with a new component 3) Seller aren’t responsible for damage to components caused by past the warranty is over, the warranty sticker is damaged, improper use of consumers and damage caused by as natural disasters.
Keywords: Legal Protection, Consumer, Computer Purchase
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B. Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
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