Traffic accident is an event in the way of unexpected and unintentional involve vehicles with or without other road users which resulted in human casualties and / or loss of property. Traffic accidents occur because the driver ignores the traffic ordinances are good. It is necessary for the driver's liability in the event of a traffic accident that resulted in the death of people in accordance with Article 310 paragraph (4) of the Law of Traffic and Transportation. Formulation of the problem 1) How is the accountability of drivers in the city of Padang in the event of accidents resulting in the death of people in the Padang District Court? 2) How is the application of the punishment given to the driver in the city of Padang in the event of accidents resulting in the death of people in the Padang District Court? The approach used is the juridical sociological. Sources of data are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques with interviews, the study documents and the data was analyzed qualitatively. Conclusion of the study 1) Accountability of the driver in a traffic accident that resulted in the death of people is indispensable both materially and physically which has been experienced by victims of traffic accidents. 2) The application of penalties to the driver in the event of accidents resulting in death of the person is in conformity with the prosecution in accordance with Article 310 paragraph (4) of the Law of Traffic and Transportation.  Keywords: Accountability, Driver, Traffic AccidentsÂ
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