Every human being always want the ease of getting something great value with very little effort and without hard work. Ways in which to get an ease that sometimes leads to a criminal offense. One of them is to provide facilities and infrastructure gambling games in the community. Everyone who does that the offender should be sentenced to punishment in accordance with Article 303 paragraph (1) and (2) of the Criminal Code as the case contained in the decision on case number 226 / Pid.B / 2015 / PN.Pdg. Formulation of the problem: (1) How Application of Criminal Dropped By Judge Against Perpetrators who Providing Infrastructures Gambling (Case Study No. 226 / Pid. B / 2015 / PN.Pdg) ?. (2) Do petimbangan judges in sentencing for perpetrators who provide Infrastructures Gambling (Case Study No. 226 / Pid. B / 2015 / PN.Pdg) ?. The approach used in this study is a normative approach. Secondary data sources include primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. Data collection techniques are used literature. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Conclusions of the study: (1) Application of the given criminal prosecution to the accused that during the 6 months imprisonment in contrast to Article 303 paragraph (1) number 2 of the Criminal Code is 10 years imprisonment. (2) Consideration of the judge in imposing a sentence that is based on juridical considerations and the judge's conviction that background defendant and condition of self-inflicted criminal punishment to the defendant but the defendant still light that is six (6) months imprisonment.
 Keywords: Criminal Application, Infrastructure, Facilities, Gambling
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