Criminal act of extortion with threats to have violated the provisions in Articles 368 and 369 of the Criminal Code. Thus the required investigation by the investigator provided for in Article 1 point 7 of the Criminal Procedure Code to make the process of formulation of the problem of law enforcement, among others: 1) How is the implementation of criminal investigations in police extortion with the threat of Singkarak? 2) Are the obstacles encountered in the implementation of criminal investigations in police extortion Singkarak ?. The method used socio-legal study, this researen used primary and secondary data. Data were collected by interview and documentary study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Results of the study include: 1) Implementation of investigations conducted by police investigators Singkarak in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code. 2) Constraints investigator in criminal investigations in police extortion with the threat of Singkarak ie complaints from victims, victim testimony less effective, perpetrators escape and eliminating the evidence and lack participation and cooperation of the community.
Keywords : Investigation , Crime , Extortion , threats
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C. Sumber Lain
Padang Ekspres, Modusnya Menggerebek Orang Pacaran, Solok, Tanggal 20 November 2014., pengertian ancaman,