
  • . Zuarli


Health is important thing in life where the prosperous state of body and allows each person to live socially. Patients receive legal protection from malpractice. Malpractices cause disability even death. Any action against a patient get approval, as outlined in informed consent. Legal protection of patients malpractice in some countries is not the same. Issues examined in this study were: 1)What kind of informed consent for surgery in a hospital under the laws of Indonesia and Germany, 2)What kind of legal protection for patients for acts of malpractice committed by a doctor in hospital under the laws of Indonesia and German, research method that use is a normative study. Data collection through the review of library materials in the form of legislation and supporting literature books using a qualitative approach. From the results of the study of library materials be found: 1)informed consent form for surgery in hospital under the laws of Indonesia and Germany by way of agreement with the patient's therapeutic. 2)Forms of legal protection for patients of malpractice by doctors in hospitals under the laws of Indonesia and Germany in the form of administrative sanctions and mutations in the legislation either under Indonesian law and German law.

Keywords: protection, patient, malpractice, doctor.


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