ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is an agreement ASEAN countries in enhancing economic cooperation in the fields that have been imposed on December 31, 2015. Facing the ASEAN Economic Community, the Indonesian government has issued Presidential Instruction (Instruction) No. 11 of 2011. The MEA into effect this year but actually MEA already entered into force two years ago with their goods tariff-free and the freeway. One example there are already hundreds Alfamart. The problems are discussed are 1) How does the readiness of Indonesia to face the Asean Economic Community (AEC)? 2) How efforts of Indonesia relating on nursing services stipulated in the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) ? This type of research used in this study is the legal normative (normative law research). Data collection techniques used are studies that document, learning materials or literature-literature relating to the cases studied. The data analysis is done qualitatively. From the results of this study concluded that: 1) In the preparedness of MEA, in fact Indonesia is not ready to deal with it. But would not want Indonesia to be ready for it. Seen from the Indonesian government has seriously preparing to upgrade the skills of its workforce with a range of programs with considerable cost, one with some flagship policiesin improving the quality of human resources is the development of human resources through the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development (MP3EI) 2011-2025, which was released in 2014. 2) This form the effort of Indonesia relating on nursing services stipulated in the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) is the presence of Indonesian nurses and certified to international standards, the services of a nurse who has pocketed License Practice Nurse and to develop nursing education curriculum standards internasional.
Keywords: Indonesia Readiness , MEA, MRA, The Nursing
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