Marine areas of Indonesia in the exclusive economic zone is a region of the sea that have the potential of the greatest wealth for Indonesia. Based on the importance of the potential source pontensi assets in the sea the government has issued various types of legal product in set up, protect and enforce the law in Indonesian waters especially in the region of the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEEI). The formulation of the issues raised are: 1) How setting the fishing in the sea ZEE by foreign fishing vessels according to UNCLOS III 1982 and national law? 2) How law enforcement over the exploitation of fisheries resources in the region of the sea ZEE by foreign fishing vessels according to the national?. The research method used is the method of the normative legal approach was carried out by searching for the basics of the law regarding the substance of the legislation, which in this case is the discovery of the principles of law relating to this foreign fishing in the region ZEEI international and national. The results of this research are: 1) The Government of Indonesia has issued several legislation governing the utilization of exclusive economic zone including Act No. 5 Year 1983 about ZEEI; PP No. 15 The year 1984 about Natural Resources Management biodiversity in ZEEI; Act No. 41 The year 2004 about Fisheries. 2) based on Article 73 UNCLOS 1982, if foreign vessels does not comply with the rules and regulations state fisheries beaches in ZEE, coastal countries can ride, check, catch and do the process of the court on the ship and tells the state flag of the ship.
Keywords: ZEE, UNCLOS, Fisheries, Ships Fish.
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