The Organization of the powers that be done through an amendment to the Constitution, is an effort to cover a variety of flaws that are contained in the Constitution before the amendment. One of this Constitution changes seen on the appointment of ambassadors.As for the formulation of the problem (1) how does the mechanism of appointing Ambassador RI before and after the amendment to the Constitution? (2) how is the role of PARLIAMENT in the appointment of Ambassador RI after the amendment to the Constitution? (3) how is the legal implications if PARLIAMENT does not give approval against the prospective Ambassador RI? Research methods used in this thesis is the normative legal research with this type of research is descriptive using secondary data sources that consist of primary, secondary law materials, and tertiary. The results of such research are (1) the mechanism of appointing Ambassador before the amendment is the prerogative of a President while after amending the Constitution should pay attention to the consideration of the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES to eliminate the authoritarian nature of power. (2) the role of the PARLIAMENT in the appointment of Ambassadors that is giving consideration, but will not have a binding force, so that the President can heed or ignore such considerations. (3) the Legal Implications if Ambassadors are appointed without regard to the consideration of the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES made a mistake, then the HOUSE can ask interplasi rights or the right to pose questions to the President on policies that have already been taken.
Keywords: Role, House of Representatives, Ambassador
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Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
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Undang-Undang No. 37 Tahun 1999 Tentang Hubungan Luar Negeri.
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Keputusan Presiden Nomor 108 tahun 2003 Tentang Organisasi Perwakilan Republik Indonesia Di Luar Negeri.
Sumber Lain
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