Blasphemy is a criminal offense in violation of Article 156 of the Criminal Code and Article 28 paragraph ( 2 ) Jo Article 45 Paragraph ( 2 ) of Law No. 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions. The cause is issuing feelings or actions that could lead to hostility abuse or desecration of a religion followed in Indonesia is very dangerous, destructive and cause disruption prosperity for oneself, family, community, nation and mankind. Issues to be discussed are : ( 1 ) How is the implementation of elements of criminal offenses in case number : 45 / Pid.B / 2012 / PN.MR ? ( 2 ) How is the consideration of judges in imposing sanctions in case number : 45 / Pid.B / 2012 / PN.MR ? This study used normative juridical approach , this study analyzd court ruling NO 45 / Pid.B / 2012 / PN.MR.    Legal materials collected through the study of documents. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Concluded : ( 1 ) Elements of the element that every person , intentionally and without right , and disseminate information intended to cause hatred or hostility individual and / or a particular group of people based on ethnicity, religion , race and groups ( SARA ) ( 2 ) Things -things incriminating defendant is contrary to the philosophy of the Republic of Indonesia Pancasila Sila especially on God, defendant has been plaguing the society and the defendant has harassed or tarnish Islam. Things that relieve the defendant is remorseful and will not repeat it again and the defendant has not been convicted
Key words :Analysis juridical, Criminal acts, Blasphemy, Religion
Daftar Pustaka
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B. PeraturanPerundang-undangan
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C. Sumber Lain
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