Pretrial court is authorized of District Court to examine and decide on the lawfulness of the arrest or detention, the lawfulness of the termination of an investigation or prosecution, as well as the demand for compensation or rehabilitation for cases that are brought to trial. This Pretrial authority contained in Article 1 figures 10 in conjunction with Article 77 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The issuance of pretrial number 04/Pid.Prap/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel. the applicant party Budi Gunawan against the Respondent the Corruption Eradication Commission, there are legal issues that arise that application submitted by the applicant is not the validity of the determination of the suspect by the defendant. The problems are concerned in are 1) How is judge’s pretrial considerations on the issuance of pretrial of issuance number 04/Pid.Prap/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel.? 2) How is implementation issuance of pretrial of issuance number 04/Pid.Prap/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel. toward Article 77 of the Criminal Procedure Code?. Type of the research is normative juridical. They study used secondary data. The data got from documents study. The data were analyzed qualitatively. Research findings showed that : 1) Judge’s pretrial considerations on the issuance of pretrial number 04/Pid.Prap/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel. is the basis of legal used by the judge is Article 1 figures 10 in conjunction Article 77 in conjunction Article 82 paragraph (1) in conjunction Article 95 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code. The judge assess the validity of the establishment of the suspects are authority institutions pretrial 2) The implementation issuance of pretrial of issuance number 04/Pid.Prap/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel. toward Article 77 of the expansion of the Article 77 of the Criminal Procedure Code that is associated with the Constitutional Court's Decision Number 21/PUU-XII/2014 regarding the addition determination of the suspect as an object Pretrial.
Keywords : Considerations, The Judge, Pretrial, The issuance
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Detik, Catat! Ini 2 Vonis Kontroversial PN Jaksel di Kasus Praperadilan,