
  • Kevin Prabevi Kevin


Security measures in the implementation of regional election in West Sumatra as according to Article 2 of Law Number 2 Year 2002 about the Police about the fanction of the police to provide security to the community and specifically in the way isolate the Election done the relationship of cooperation based on Article 42 paragraph (1) of Act Police and manifested in the Memorandum of Understanding Polda Sumbar with the ELECTION COMMISSION Sumbar Number : B/05/IX/2015 and Number : 04/KBIKPU-PROV-003/IX/2015 about securing holding the election of the Governor and Vice Governor. Turmoil in the election in each stage can only trigger turbulent dissatisfaction from one of the supporters of the candidate pair. Thepattern that is used in this security depends on local conditions and the level of kerawanannya. The formulation of the problem: /)How the role of the District Police (Polda) West Sumatra inproviding security in the election of the Governor and Vice Governor of West Sumatra 2015? 2) whether obstacles faced by the District Police (Polda) West Sumatra in providing security in the election of the Governor and Vice Governor of West Sumatra 2015. The research method is nomative sociological. The data sources in the form of primary data and secondary data. The Data obtained through interviews and document studies. The conclusions of the research results is 1) The police provide protection with how bertindaknya arranged in the Letter of the implementation of the operation of the steady municipal governments 2015 according to its phases. The security given the police consist of 2 (two) on the stages of preparation and implementation phase. 2) Theproblem faced is tracing the emergence of the conflict because each of the election parties  that interfere with the security using the new ways that culminated anarchist.

Keywords: election, Governor, Police, West Sumatra.



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