In case of bad credit then the object security rights to be executed. Execution encumbrance done in two ways, namely by direct intervention of the courts and through KPKNL. If the execution does not take place within the constraints then the object security rights will be auctioned through KPKNL. In the period of last three years the Bank Nagari Sijunjung branch in the execution always through KPKNL. The problem in this research are: 1) How is the execution of a security interest in the event of bad loans at Bank Nagari Branch Sijunjung? 2) whether the obstacles that arise in the execution of the security rights? This research method is based on a sociological juridical primary data. The technique of collecting data through interviews, document study and data analysis using qualitative methods. Based on the results of research are: 1) The execution of this research is to auction off the right to repay the debtor's dependents, conducted through KPKNL by looking for the highest score made in writing or orally. 2) The resistance is interference from third parties, the lack of interest in the auction can be caused by the remote location of the object tangungan rights or for announcements in places difficult to be seen in person by the public or loaded mass less mediated many enthusiasts to read.
Keywords: Execution, Mortgage, Credit, Bank.
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B. Peraturan Perundang-undangan
Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata (KUHPerdata)
Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 tentang Hak Tanggungan atas Tanah.
Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1992 sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan.
Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 27 Tahun 2016 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Lelang.
C. Sumber Lain
Asas-asas Hak Tanggungan // http: //googleweblight.com. diakses pada 16 Oktober 2015, jam 20.00 WIB.
PelaksanaanPemberianKredit// http: // wordskripsi.blogspot.com. diaksespada 8 Juli 2015, Jam 22.14 WIB.
Perjanjian Kredit // http: // yossyfederer.blogspot.com. diakses pada 8 April 2016, Jam 23.45 WIB.