Good public service is based on the implementation of duty with a good work discipline but the implementation of state and government characterized by the practice of maladministration. Internal control performed by the government itself in its implementation evidently did not meet the expectations of society, both in terms of objectivity and accountability. So, it needs the roles ofthe external monitoring institution that is effectively able to control the state officials and government duties. The discussion focused on 1) What are the roles and functions of the West Sumatra Ombudsman in overseeing public services, 2) what are constraints faced by the Ombudsman of West Sumatrain the implementation of public service oversight and the last 3) what did the Ombudsman of West Sumatra do to overcome the obstacles encountered. This study used a sociological juridical approach which is descriptive. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that: 1) the presence of West Sumatra Legislative Ombudsman in monitoring public services is in compliance with the laws but has not been effective, because there are still some people who do not know about the existence of the Ombudsman itself, including the duties and functions of the agency, 2) the ombudsman deals with some problems like public somehow still ignore its existence, also lack of cooperation in reporting the allegations of maladministration, and limit number of human resources, 3) there have been some efforts to overcome the obstacles such asupgrading the investigative capacity of members, and undertake dissemination of information related to the existence of the.Ombudsman.
Keywords: Ombudsman, Oversight, Public Service, West Sumatra
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B. Peraturan Perundang-undangan
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C. Sumber lainnya
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