The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia is one of the organizers of judicial power in Indonesia together with the Supreme Court and courts below and the Judicial Commission. One of the Constitutional Court's authority is to test the laws against the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 34 / PUU / XI / 2013 that the review of Article 268 Paragraph (3) of the Law on Criminal Proceedings (Code of Criminal Procedure ) which reads "Request for reconsideration of a decision can only be made one time only". As a result of the decision led to a judicial review can be done more than once. The formulation of the issues discussed are: 1) How is the legal status (legal standing) of the applicant the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 34 / PUU / XI / 2013? 2) What are the considerations in making a decision of the Constitutional Court to remedy Reconsideration can be filed more than one ?. This type of research is a normative legal research. Sources of data obtained from books, library studies and other sources. From this study it can be concluded 1) legal status (legal standing) The applicant in the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 34 / PUU / XI / 2013 has no legal status (legal standing). 2) Consideration of the Constitutional Court to make a ruling on the legal remedies Reconsideration can be filed more than once in order to protect and uphold human rights, the applicant PK feel tereliminir sense of justice, where the restrictions PK should only be performed one time as stipulated in Article 268 Paragraph ( 3) has given limits a person to seek justice because of the possible new state (novum), can befound at any time and can not be determined exactlywhen
Keywords: Constitutional Court, Remedy, Reconsideration
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C. Sumber Lain
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Radityowisnu, Upaya Hukum dalam
Syarat dan tata cara pengajuan judicial review ke ma dan mk dalam
Kedudukan hukum legal standing dalam