At the (time) of bring a lawsuit to the court to justice, usually also will follow pleadingly stipulating confiscate guarantee of goods sued or case object , good [of] object remain to and also peripatetic. But in practice [of] object adakala which have diletakan confiscate guarantee, [is] later;then abstracted [by] stipulating confiscate its guarantee, that repeal not by itself, but abstracted or lifted to confiscate its guarantee on request sued or third party. Formula of[is problem of the studied [is] 1) How repeal procedure confiscate guarantee in civil dispute [in] District Court Of Klas 1.A Field 2) How execution of repeal confiscate guarantee in civil dispute [in] District Court Of Klas 1.A Field 3) Do constraint faced in repeal confiscate guarantee in civil dispute [in] District Court Of Klas 1.A Field ?. Type Research which [is] used in this research [is] research of law of sosiologis ( Legal Socio [of] Research). used Data cover primary data and data of sekunder. The data obtained to [pass/through] document study and interview. From result of research can be concluded [by] bahwa,1) Repeal procedure confiscate guarantee [is] beforehand repeal letter of intention input confiscate guarantee, after stipulating letter exit of new Chief Justice [of] repeal can be [done/conducted] 2) Execution of repeal confiscate guarantee [in] District Court Of Klas 1A Field [done/conducted] by bailiff after stipulating exit of justice consorted by plaintiff, sued and two eyewitness people 3) Constraint faced by process server District Court Of Klas 1A field [is] the existence of resistance of plaintiff [party/ side] which [do] not accept [doing/conducting] of repeal process confiscate guarantee because dianggab impinge importance of plaintiff law.
Keyword : Execution, Repeal Confiscate Guarantee.
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