Children are the future generation who will continue the task of nation unresolved by previous generations. Form of implementation of Law No. 35 of 2014 on Protection of Children as stated in Article 72 of Law No. 35 of 2014 on Protection of Children jo Padang City Regulation No. 2 of 2012 on the protection of children and the development of Article 37 paragraph (1). It is evident from the number of children's rights are violated and they become victims of various forms of violence, exploitation, discrimination and even inhuman. of the problems are; 1. What is the role of the Child Protection Agency in Padang for victims of economic exploitation? 2. What are the obstacles encountered in the city of Padang Child Protection Agency in providing protection to children as victims of economic exploitation? The research method; sociological juridical. Data sources are primary data and secondary data. The data collection technique interview and document study. Analyzed data is qualitatively. The results of the research; (1Peranan child protection agency the city field, and efforts to increase the development budget in the areas of social welfare, making homes soial, cooperation with the parties - related parties such as NGOs, and community, and as an advocacy organizations.; 2( constraints - constraints that ditemuai child protection Agency as a lack of manpower, inadequate equipment, limited finances, and the absence of good cooperation involving all stakeholders in providing protection against the economic exploitation of children.
Keywords: Children, Victims, Exploitation, Economics.
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B. Perundang– undangan
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C. Sumber lainnya Html, diakses pada tanggal 5 januari 2016, Pukul 13.47 WIB. dan peranan LPAI di akses pada tanggal 5 januari 2016 , pukul13 .50 wib.
https://www.Skripsi hilman reza Perlindungan Anak di akses pada tanggal 11 jaunary 2016 , pukul 14 , 00 wib.
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