Investigation is investigating a series of actions in the case and demanded the manner contemplated in this law to find and collect evidence with evidence that shed light on the crime happened and to find the suspects. The legal basis for investigation of felony obscenity is regulated in Article 6 of Law ), the government established a legal product with the issuance of procedure of penal of Law No. 35 of 2014 on the change of the Law - Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection. The problems are 1) How the criminal investigation of abuse committed by unscrupulous principals on learners in Solok Police? 2) Are the constraints faced by investigators in investigating criminal cases of abuse committed by unscrupulous principals on learners in Solok Police? This research approach using socio-juridical. Source data used are primary data and secondary data. The technique of collecting data using interviews and document study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Results of the study: 1) Investigation by Police Solok against felony obscenity committed individual school principals to students, starting with the stage of the police report, arrest warrant, and prepare News Of Investigation 2) Constraints faced Solok Police investigators in investigating criminal cases of abuse by unscrupulous principals in Solok Police is the lack of participation of witnesses in giving testimony in the investigation process.
Keywords: Investigation, obscene, Participant, Educate
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