In the human life has always been associated with the needs of. The food is the needs of human. To meet the anyone was called with consumers. Consumers always be in a position weak and became the target of exploitation of the perpetrators effort who cheat. As for the problem is 1. How the implementation of the supervision of conducted by BBPOM against the food imports in the city of padang. 2. Wheter the contrainst faced by BBPOM under the supervision of food impor in the city of padang. 3. Wheter efforts do by BBPOM to tackle abstacles faced under the supervision of food imports in the city of padang. The research method is used socio-juridical; the resources of data are used primary and secondary data. Techniques of collection data are interview and analysis databy using qualitative method. Based on the results of research concluded that superision conducted BBPOM not just happened aberration but also recelved reports of consumers. Consumers have to improve the knowledge about the food that is not decelved by the perpetrator a effort who cheat. If BBPOM discover the offense, expected in order to provide penalties firm to offenders, so they did not dare again repeating action the same. Legal conducted BBPOM namely bring of the case to the court and dropped the criminal sanctions if the perpetrator proved do offense.
Keywords : supervision, imports of food, BBPOM
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