For the economic development of a country, credit is necessity, at this point a lot of a credit crunch is increasing every year, so in the implementation of financial institutions should pay attention to the principles of a healty credit. PT. Astra Credit Companies branch Padang are financial institutions engaged in the consumer finance sector for the purchase of new car and used cars. Formulation of the problem discussed is 1) how the landing procedures? 2) whether the cause of the problem loan? 3) how the settlement of non performing loans at PT. Astra Credit Companies?. The method used in this study is the sociological method means that research data is principally obtained by direct research in the field, data sources consist of primay data and secondary data, data collection techniques are interviews and document study, analysis of the data used in this study is a qualitative analysis. Based on research conducted in the filed that 1) lending procedure among others a) stages of the loan application from prospective customers b) stage of assesment and examination c) credit analysis phase d) credit decision stage e) notification phase f) stage of implementation and administration of credit g) phase shifiting security object 2) cause a credit crunch due a) global crisis, especially for borrowers engaged in the plantation sector b)layoffs against the debitor c) accident. 3) as for the completion of the steps of problem loans at PT. Astra Credit Companies branch Padang by way of debt restructuring that includes a) rescheduling b) delay payment of credit obligation c) over debitor d) reduction in interest arrears and penalties. If it is not executed by the debitor then the last way adopted by PT. Astra Credit Companies are doing auctions.
Keywords: Implementation, Countermeasures , Problem Loan
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