Democracy is a form of mechanism or system of government, in an effort to realize the sovereignty of the people or the state. The democratic system can be seen from the way community participation in implementing the general election. One is the election of Regent and Vice Regent especially in the South Coastal District. Election of Regent and Vice Regent elected directly and simultaneously by the public as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 2015. The problems of peneliatan are 1) How is the implementation of the Regent and Vice Regent elections by the Election Commission in the South Coastal District? 2) apasajakah constraints and efforts made by the South Coastal district commissioner overcome these obstacles? 3) How is community participation in the election of Regent and Vice Regent South Coastal ?. This research used socio-juridical descriptive, data collection techniques using document study and interview by using qualitative analysis. The conclusions of research that 1) Elections for the Regent and Vice Regent By South Coastal district commissioner in 2015 in accordance with the provisions of the General Election Commission No. 2 of 2015. 2) The obstacles encountered by the South Coastal district commissioner present in every phase of the election of the Regent and Vice regents. 3) The level of public participation in the election of the Regent and Vice Regent of 2015 decreased compared to 2010.
Keywords: Selection, Regent, Vice Regent, the Election CommissionReferences
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