Definition of interbank clearing slips is exchanges between banks, either on behalf of banks and customers that results of calculations completed in a certain time.Clearing is needed to accelerate the settlement of trade transactions that require equipment asset transactions. In general clearing involves financial institutions that have strong capital, known as the Central Ballast Partners. Bank Indonesia held interbank clearing system known as the National Clearing System of Bank Indonesia or known SKNBI. From the description above problems arise namely, 1) How is the implementation of the clearing at Bank Nagari main branch Padang, 2) Are the constraints encountered by the bank in carrying out clearing, 3) Are the efforts undertaken by the bank in case of failure clearing Bank Nagari main branch Padang, research method that I use is the juridical sociological namely the approach to the law as a norm or rule and approach to the community in the sense of seeing reality in society, data from the primary data and secondary data by using data collection techniques through interviews and document research, data analysis using a qualitative approach. From the results of this research is that: 1) Implementation of clearing done by the bank Nagari main branch of Padang there are two credit clearing and clearing debit 2) Obstacles found by bank Nagari major branches of the field in carrying out clearing is limited by time, the network is not strong, personnel did not go as well as the network of Bank Indonesia itself, 3) efforts to tackle conducted by the bank is through the outside starting clearing.
Keywords: Clearing, Clearing Efforts Fail tackle.
A. Buku-buku
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B. PeraturanPerundang-Undangan
Undang-Undang No 6 Tahun 2009 Tentang Bank Indonesia
Undang-Undang No. 10/1998 Tentang Perbankan
Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata (KUH Perdata)
Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 12/5/PBI/2010 tanggal 12 Maret 2010Tentang Sistem Kliring Nasional.
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