With premiums paid by the insured in the fire insurance underwriter liability are damages due to the fire. Problem 1). How is the payment of compensation in fire insurance in PT.
 General Insurance Bumiputera Muda 1967 Padang branch 2). What are the obstacles
encountered in the payment of compensation in PT. General Insurance Bumiputera Muda
1967 Padang branch. This type of research is a sociological law, the main data is in the field of research and data collection techniques are interviews and document research, data analysis was done by qualitative method. Results of this research is 1). The calculation of the payment of compensation in fire insurance is based on claims filed, the insurance company to determine how losses incurred after it had calculated how much compensation using the formula: the amount of coverage is divided by the value of the building after depreciation is then multiplied by the amount of loss is approved. 2). Obstacles encountered in the payment of compensation that is in frequent disagreements between the insurer by the insured in the payment of damages. If the compensation is 10 million then estimated through the central office will membutukan long time. The dishonesty of the insured person did not give a clear Opera- insured object.
Keywords: Payment, Compensation, Fire Insurance
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Undang-undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2014 tentang Perasuransian
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