Corruption into extraordinary crime and serious that the handling of these crimes were done specifically. Under the draft Criminal Code Article 38-46, confiscation of assets of suspected corruption by the Prosecutor. Law No. 31 of 1999 which was amended by Act No. 20 of 2001 on Corruption Eradication that the prosecution authorities investigating corruption cases, especially foreclosures. Confiscation of assets of suspects conducted by the prosecutor that the case of irregularities and misappropriation of government funds the purchase of official vehicles Padang. Problems are : (1) How is the implementation of the seizure of evidence by the prosecution against the suspect in a corruption case wealth in Padang District Attorney ?. (2) Are the constraints faced by the State Attorney Padang in the execution of the confiscation of evidence against a suspect in a corruption case wealth ? This study used socio-legal approach. Data sources include primary data and sekunder. Data were collected through interviews and documentary study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Results: (1) The confiscation of property assets perpetrators of corruption by conducting warrant Seizure, securing the goods concerned and their witnesses, the minutes of seizure, and the approval of the court (2) Constraints do wealth of corruption that is evidence in the form of money saved in the bank, the evidence has been transferred to others and hard to determine the value of an object or treasure
Keywords: Foreclosure, Attorney, Wealth, Corruption
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B. PeraturanPerundang-undangan
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C. Sumber Lain
Salahudin Luthfie, 2011, Kewenangan Kejaksaan Dalam Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Tesis Magister Ilmu Hukum Universitas Indonesia.
http://www.Selasar.Com/Politik/Kajari-Padang-Kasus-Rsud-Tuntas-Tahun-2015, Diakses Tenggal 17 Februari 2016