BBPOM supervisors in the field of medicine and food, food needs to be pursued with regard to the realization of a food system that provides protection for people who consume the food so that the food is distributed and / traded is not harmful and is safe for human health. Issues addressed are: (1) How BBPOM Supervisory Role of Food Packaging in Padang? (2) How Constraints faced by BBPOM In Doing Oversight Food Packaging in Padang? The author conducted research with sociological juridical research method used primary data through interviews, secondary data through data relating to BBPOM Padang. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Results of the study are: (1) BBPOM in the supervision of food packaging in the city of Padang in accordance with Law No. 18 of 2012 on Food explaining that there are three pillars of supervision, namely: Manufacturer, Government and Consumers, BBPOM and other sectors to supervise the food packaging sector production, distribution and retailers. (2) Constraints faced by the Center for Food and Drug Administration (BBPOM) In Doing Control Food Packaging in Padang are: Internal factors include: Equipment used to test still lacking, Number of supervisory personnel are lacking and External Factors include: businesses still lack awareness on the use of hazardous materials in food packaging as well as the extent of the area and the many types of products that make it difficult for supervisors.
Keywords: Role, BPOM, Food, Packaging
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