
  • Tantyo Cahyo Priharyanto Tantyo Cahyo


Remarks expert forensic psychiatry is one means of evidence referred to in Article 184 paragraph (1) Criminal Procedure Code. Description of these experts affirmed in Article 1 point 28, the Criminal Procedure Code. Where the forensic psychiatry expert knowledge to be useful to provide law enforcement officers with regard to the psychological state of a criminal in homicides committed by the defendant against his own mother as stipulated in the decision number 144 / Pid.B / 2014 / PN.CJ. Formulation of the problem: (1) How does the judge considered the testimony of forensic psychiatrists in the case verdict No. 144 / Pid.B / 2014 / PN.CJ? (2) How does the application of the law on forensic psychiatry expert testimony  in a court ruling No. 144 / Pid.B / 2014 / PN.CJ?.  This research used normative approach.  This study reviewed a court decision No.144/Pid.B/2014/ PN.CJ. Data was collected by documentary study, and analyzed qualitatively. Results of the study 1) the judge in his ruling had been consideration of forensic psychiatry expert testimony with other witness testimony and documentary evidence has convinced the judge that the defendant is free from any prosecution. 2) adoption of the law on forensic psychiatry expert testimony has convinced a judge to take a decision based on the provisions of Article 184 paragraph (1) Criminal Procedure Code, Article 186 Criminal Procedure Code, Article 1 point 28 Criminal Code, Article 120 of the Criminal Procedure Code, Article 133 Criminal Procedure Code and Article 179 Criminal Procedure Code.
Keywords: Consideration of the judge, Expert Testimony, Forensic Psychiatry


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Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1946 tentang Peraturan Hukum Pidana

Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana

Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2011 tentang Kesehatan


