Good governance (good governance) is the process of conducting of bureaucracies in the service of public goods and services, namely the principle of efficacy (effectiveness), fairness (equity), participation (participation), accountability (accountability) and transparency (transparency). Formulation of the problem: (1) what are the implementation of capital investment and service of integrated permissions South Pesisir Regency in realizing good governance (good governance)? (2) What are the obstacles faced in the implementation of capital investment and service of integrated licensing and (3) what efforts are being made in the implementation of capital investment and service permissions. This type of research use sociological laws i.e. research which is based on primary data and secondary data. Data sources obtained through the study of documents and regulations, interview and observation. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The result of the research: 1) the implementation of capital investment and the licensing service has integrated basic tasks helping to Bupati of formulating, organizing, fostering, controlling and evaluating the preparation and implementation of investment and service areas of licensing and non-licensing. 2) barriers are found namely the lack of cooperation and coordination on the community, as well as the limited infrastructure and the lack of HUMAN RESOURCES and the amount of capital investment in Office and service of integrated Permissions South Pesisir Regency. 3) attempts are made, namely the elaboration of annual planning and strategic plan based on Government Performance Accountability Report.
Keywords: capital investment and Integrated Licensing
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