Municipal Police as local government officials in the enforcement of legislation and implementation of public order and peace of the community is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Many factors, both internal and external influences influence. Related duties and functions of Civil Service Police Unit can be drawn formulation of the problem as follows: 1. How the implementation of Mayor Regulation No. 52 Year 2014 About the duties and functions of Civil Service Police Unit in the Regional Regulatory enforcement efforts in the city of Padang, 2.obstacles any faced Unit Municipal police in carrying out their duties in the city of Padang, 3.Effort of Civil Service police Unit to realize the security and public order in the city of Padang. The research method that I use in this paper is a sociological law research /empirical research conducted directly into the field by means of interviews to obtain primary data. Conclusion: In coordination implementation of the field it depends on what the regulation will be implemented, limitation of personnel in the field, because the number of people in Padang are about 1.2 million residents while the Civil Service Police Unit personnel number only around 500 personnel and the State Civil Servants Apparatus only about 108 people, to realize the peace and public order with preventive and repressive action with preventive example, the occurrence of a breach of regulation, Concentrated one example, and if the prevention of illegal traders in the control procedure using SP1-SP3 prior to forceful measures to curb street vendors.
 Keyword: Duties and Functions, Civil Service Police Unit
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B. Peraturan Perundang-undangan
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C. Sumber Lain
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