So that there is legal certainty on the adoption of children, should be required a determination of the District Court. The problems to be discussed in this paper are: (1) What is the reason single parents in a civil case No. 84 / Pdt.P / 2010 / PN.Pdg do adoptions in Class IA Padang District Court ?; (2) What is the process of adoption by a single parent in the District Court of Class IA Padang ?; (3) What are the legal consequences arising in the adoption of the adopted child and the adoptive parents ?. In this study the authors use a kind of socio-juridical research by conducting field interviews to obtain primary data and research literature to obtain secondary data. Based on the results of this study concluded that: (1) The reason for the single parent is doing adoptions in a civil case number: 84 / Pdt.P / 2010 / PN.Pdg is because they do not have children, and solely for the best interests of the child lifted. (2) The process of adoption by a single parent in the District Court of Class IA Padang done by administrative examination petition of adoption by the secretariat and the case investigation request by the judge in the trial. (3) The legal consequences arising in the adoption of the adopted child and the adoptive parents is the relationship between foster parents with adopted children the same as the relationship between parent and child birth and adoption does not break the link between the adopted child with his biological parents.
Keywords: Implementation, Adoption, Single Parents, Courts
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