Proof is important in the process of hearing a criminal case in court, where witness testimony is crucial in the proof and witness testimony by children is something that must be considered by the judge in deciding the case in court, so the judge in giving judgment in accordance with the provisions applicable and provide the fairest decision. Problems in this study 1) How does the strength of evidence the child witness testimony in the trial of criminal cases in the District Court of Class IA Padang, 2) How did the judges use the testimony of children as a consideration in the decision of the court of State Class I A Padang. This study uses normative juridical approach and sources of data in this study are primary data, secondary, the primary legal materials, secondary law and tertiary legal materials. Legal materials obtained through the study of documents. Based on the research results. 1) Strength of evidence the testimony of children in the trial of criminal cases in the District Court of Class IA Padang will serve as a guide or guidelines for Judges are associated with other evidence in a litigation, 2) The judges use the testimony of children as a consideration in the decision on Court cases used as a guide for judges in giving judgment in giving the verdict either be used as a clue or evidence.
Keywords: Children Witness, Evidence, Justice.
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B. Sumber lain
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