Study of Basic Technique Skill of Football Player of Junior High School 15th Lubuk Buaya Koto Tangah District Padang City


  • Baik . Wijaya
  • Madri . M
  • Ali . Mardius


This study begins with an interview to the trainer to help get a data assessment of basic skills (dribbling, passing, heading, and shooting) football players Junior High School 15th Lubuk Buaya Koto Tangah District Padang City. The purpose of the research is to know the level of mastery of basic skills (Passing, dribbling, heading, and shooting). The type of research is descriptive, with population of all football players Junior High School 15th Lubuk Buaya Koto Tangah District Padang City which amounted to 25 people. All populations were sampled as 25 samples. Instrumentation to obtain data that is the basic soccer technique skills test that is dribbling test, passing, heading and shooting. The result of the analysis is based on the skill measurement norms obtained (1) the dribling skills of the athlete diperole category (a) excellent = 28%, (b) good = 56%, (c) medium = 16%, (d) less = 0% E) less than once = 0% (2) the athlete's passing skills are categorized (a) very well = 24%, (b) good = 64%, (c) medium = 12%, (d) less = 0% and (e ) Is at least 0%, (3) skill of athlete heading, obtained by category (a) very good = 0%, (b) good = 0%, (c) medium = 24%, (d) less = 60% and (e ) Is at least 16%, and (4) athlete shooting skills are obtained by category (a) excellent = 0%, (b) good = 0%, (c) medium = 0%, (d) less = 12% and ( E) less than 88%. Overall it can be concluded that the mastery of basic athlete technical skills is in the category "Less Once".


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