Relationship Agility and Establishment with Dribbling Ability Athlete Muspan Soccer School Padang


  • Afrizul . syadri
  • Jaslindo . .
  • Meiriani . Armen


This study originated from the results of observations that the authors encountered in the field, it turns out the ability Dribbling Athlete Muspan soccer school padang still not good and not as expected. The purpose of this study is to find out how big the relationship agility with the ability of Dribbling, the formation of togok with the ability of Dribbling and agility and the formation of togok with the ability Dribbling Athlete Muspan soccer school padang.The type of research is correlational with the population are Athlete Muspan soccer school padang, amounting to 76 people athletes. Sampling in this study by using purposive sampling which amounted to 24 people athletes in the age group 13 to 14 years. Data were collected in three way tests and measurements. The data obtained were analyzed by Product Moment (single) and double correlation.Based on the analysis of the discussion can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between agility to the ability Dribbling. There is a significant relationship between the formation of togok with Dribbling ability. There is a significant relationship together between agility and kelungkahan togok with the ability Dribbling Athlete Muspan soccer school padang.


Keywords: Agility, Establishment, Dribbling Capability


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