Relationship of Limb Muscle Strength and Foot Coordination with Accuracy Shooting player Balai Baru Soccer School Padang City


  • Anggi . Hidayatullah
  • Jaslindo . .
  • Ali . Mardius


This research originated from the observations that the authors encountered in the field, it was accurate Shooting players Soccer School New Hall Padang still not good. The purpose of this study was to find out how much the relationship of leg muscle strength and foot coordination with the accuracy Shooting player Balai Baru soccer school Padang City. The type of research is correlational with the population is the player Balai Baru soccer school Padang City which amounts to 22 players. Sampling in this study by using the total sampling of 22 players with the age group of 9 to 12 years. Data were taken in three ways, Leg Dynamometer Test to Limb Muscle Strength, soccer test to target to measure foot coordination and kick ball test to measure shooting accuracy. The data obtained were analyzed by Product Moment (single) and double correlation.Based on the analysis of the discussion it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between leg muscle strength to shooting accuracy, then there is a significant relationship between the foot coordination of shooting accuracy and there is a significant relationship between leg muscle strength and foot coordination to the accuracy Shooting Football School players Balai Baru Padang.


Keywords: Limb Muscle Strength, Foot Coordination, Shooting Accuracy


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