Relationship Agility and Speed with Dribbling Skill Players Putra Wijaya Soccer School Padang


  • Ikrar Dinata
  • Jaslindo .
  • Ali Mardius


The problem in the research is where the player does not control the ball well, easily loose and often seized by the opponent, so that the ball is not always in the mastery of the player. The purpose of this study is to find out how big the relationship of agility and speed with dribbling ability of football player Players Putra Wijaya Soccer School Padang. The type of research is correlational with the population is football player Players Putra Wijaya Soccer School Padang who numbered 23 players. Sampling in this study by using the Total Sampling, so that the sample amounted to 23 players with the age group of 15 to 17 years. The data is taken in three ways, The Illinois Agility Run Test to measure agility, Sprint run 30 meters to measure speed and Dribbling ball zigzag test to measure dribbling ability. The data obtained were analyzed by using parametric statistics on significant 0.05α with correlation test formula. Based on the analysis of the discussion can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between agility with the ability to dribbling (Dribbling) because rhitung (0.4457)> rtab (0.4230). Then there is a significant relationship between speed with dribbling ability due to rhutung (0.4250)> rtab (0.4230). Based on F test can Result of double analysis Fh = 3.4972> Ftab = 3.4900 there is significant relation between agility and speed with dribbling ability of football Players Putra Wijaya Soccer School Padang.


Keywords: Agility, Speed, Dribbling




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