Relationship The Strength Of Limbs And Muscles With Ability Long passing athlete football Club Merpati FC Dharmaraya District


  • Aldi Kasriawan
  • Eri Barlian
  • Madri M


The problem in this research is less maximally atlets football Merpati FC Tebing Tinggi  Pulau Punjung Dharmasraya District in doing long passing, in other words long passing that dilakukant tidakthepadasaran desired. Sesuaidenganhal it, this study aims to reveal the relationship between leg muscle endurance and kelentukan with the ability of long passing football athletes Merpati FC Tebing Tinggi  Pulau Punjung Dharmasraya District. The population of this research were Merpati FC Tebing Tinggi  Pulau Punjung Dharmasraya District, which consisted of 20 people, all of the population were included in the research sample. Instruments for obtaining data using aquathjump test, flexiometer test, long passingtest. The hypothesis of the proposed research is that there is leg muscle limb strengthening with long passing ability. (2) there is a correlation relationship with long passing ability. (3) there is a relationship between leg muscle strength and elasticity with long passing ability. Data were analyzed using parametric statistic on the significance of 0.05α with the formula of correlation.The results of the analysis can be presented as follows: (1) There is a significant correlation relationship of leg muscle strength with long passing ability which is proved by correlation coefficient (rx1y) = 0.488> r-tab 0.444, thit = 2.372> ttab 1.743, with Determination value = 23.77%. (2) there is a significant correlation with long passing ability which is proved by correlation coefficient (rx2y) = 0.574> r-tab 0.444, thit = 2.976> ttab1743, with 32.98% Determination value. (3) There is a significant correlation between endurance of muscle strength of the stem and the elongation along with the long passing ability which is proved by the coefficient of correlation (rx1,2y) = 0.609> r-tab 0.444, thit = 3.258> ttab1.743, with Determination value = 37.09% . In conclusion, that both variables (limb leg muscle strength and elongation) have significant relationship with long passing ability.


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