Contribution of Muscle Limb Speed and Explosiveness to the Skill of Lay Up Shoot of Men's Basketball Player Senior high school Pertiwi 1st Padang


  • Poppy Andre Dwi Mulyo
  • Jaslindo .
  • Lucy Oktavani


This research originated from the observations that the authors encountered in the field, it turns out the skills of Lay Up Shoot basketball players son of Senior high school Pertiwi 1st Padang still not good. The purpose of this research is to know how big contribution of speed and explosive power of leg muscle to skill of Lay Up Shoot basketball player of Senior high school Pertiwi 1st Padang. The type of research is correlational with the population is the basketball players son Senior high school Pertiwi 1st Padang, amounting to 22 players. Sampling by using Total Sampling which amounted to 22 players. The data were taken with measurements of speed, explosive muscle limb power and Lay Up Shoot skills. The data obtained were analyzed by Product Moment (single) and double correlation, while to determine the contribution with determinant coefficient analysis. Based on the analysis of the discussion it can be concluded that there is, 1) The speed contributes significantly to the skills of Lay Up Shoot, 2) Explosive muscle power contributes significantly to Lay Up Shoot skills, 3) The speed and explosive power of the leg muscles contributes to the skill Lay Up Shoot basketball player Men Senior high school Pertiwi 1st Padang. Keywords: Speed, Explosive Muscle Limb and Lay Up Shoot Skills


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