Penerapan Model Cooperative Script dalam pembelajaran Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Siswa Kelas VIII SMP N 15 Padang


  • Novita Monica
  • . Khairudin
  • Karmila Suryani


The purpose of the research was to describe thet studnt learning result of Information Communication and Technology (ICT). Wich the learning process Implemented Cooperative Script learning strategy better than the student who learned ict by implemented conventional learning at the eight grade of is junior High school Padang.            The ICT learning process in eight grade of is junior High school padang the students do not too attention in following learning activity, because they were only the receiver. So, the lower students activity in teaching process which causes by too much teacher act in learning process. This thing affect to the lower students ICT learning process. One of the effort to solve it was by. It was by implenting Cooperative Script learning strategy the kind of the research was Experimental with the population were all of eight grade class after doing the norm test, homogenetical test, and the average so the sample were two classess which chooser randomly, it was VIII.6 class (Eksperimen) and class VIII.4 (Kontrol). Experiment class was given the Cooperative Script learning strategy, and control class used conventional laerning strategy. Based on data analysis from learning result of Experimental class, the average was 78,25 and of control class, the average was 73,16. The student last test data analysis werw sig = 0,005, because the sig < 0,005 so the hypotesis accepted. So, the conclusion is the students learning result with implemented Cooperative Script learning strategy is better than the student who learn ICT with conventional learning mode.

Key Words : Cooperative Script learning, Information Communication and Technology Experiment.


