Perancangan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0 Berbasis Client Server di SMP N 37 Sijunjung


  • Sandi Oktabrianto
  • Eddy Soesilo
  • Riska Amelia


This study aims to generate a library information system design using Visual Basic 6.0 based Client Server in the library of the State Junior High School 37 Sijinjung valid and practical. This type of research is design research using Waterfall method (waterfall) where the design stage starts from the needs analysis, where data storage using MySQL. The design stage ends with the testing of the program to produce a Client Server based library information system. The process of testing the program is done through the validity test stage of the system by the validator as an expert who understands the system designed so as to produce a decent system used in the library of SMP N 37 Sijunjung. The design results in the form of library information system based on Client Server SMP N 37 Sijunjung consisting of login page, borrowing and return of books, as well as page input data and report data borrowing and returning books quickly and easily.

Keywords: Library Information System, Waterfall, MySQL, Visual Basic 6.0, SMP N 37 Sijunjung.


