Penerapan Strategi Learning Cell Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) Pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 4 Sutera Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan


  • Dino Sutrisno
  • . Khairudin
  • Rini Widyastuti


The purpose of this research was to know whether the learning result of ICT students whose learning applied learning cell learning strategy is better than the result of ICT learning of students whose learning apply the conventional learning to the students of grade VIII SMPN 4 Sutera. The learning process of Information and Communication Technology in Grade VIII SMPN 4 Sutera is still centered on teachers and the majority of students are less braved to convey their questions during the learning process. This has an impact on low student learning outcomes. Efforts that can be done to overcome that is by applying learning cell learning strategy. The type of research is experimental research. The population in this study are all students of class VIII SMPN 4 Sutera Padang year lesson 2015/2016. The sample consisted of two randomly selected classes namely class VIII2 (experiment) and class VIII1 (control). Based on the analysis, the data of learning result in the experimental class has an average value of 79.17 and the control class has an average value of 67.72. Based on the analysis of student's final test data obtained sig 0.0005 <0,05 then the hypothesis proposed accepted. So it can be concluded that the results of learning ICT students who applied learning cell better than learning strategies of the results of ICT learning students who applied conventional learning.

Keywords: Learning, learning cell, Information Technology And Communication.


