
  • Vika Adha Prameswari




   One of the factors causing many grades of VII students SMPN 15 Padang under

Minimum Criterion (KKM) is the lack of understanding of students' mathematical concepts. Therefore, teachers should be able to choose a learning strategy that can improve students' mathematical concepts. One of the learning strategies that can be used is Learning Starts with A Question (LSQ) strategy. The purpose of this study is to find out how the development of understanding of mathematical concepts of students during the implementation of active learning strategies of LSQ type and to know the understanding of mathematical concepts of students using LSQ type active learning strategies better than understanding the mathematical concepts of students by applying regular learning in class VII SMPN 15 Padang .

            The research question is "How is the development of understanding of mathematical concept of grade VII SMPN 15 Padang students during LSQ type active learning strategy?". The hypothesis of this research is the understanding of students 'mathematical concepts by applying LSQ type active learning strategy better than understanding the students' mathematical concepts by applying ordinary learning to class VII SMPN 15 Padang ".

The type of this research is experimental research. The population of the study were students of class VII SMPN 15 Padang registered in the 2016/2017 learning year consisting of grade 7, namely VII1 sampai VII7. Samples were taken randomly after normality test, homogenity test of pupolation and equality test average. The selected experimental class is class VII1. And the control class selected is class VII7. The independent variable in this research is the treatment given in the research sempel class that is learning by applying the active learning strategy of LSQ type in the experimental class and the usual learning in the control class. The dependent variable in this research is the understanding of mathematical concepts of students of class VII SMPN 15 Padang. The data type of this research is quantitative data. The data source of this research is primary data source, that is sourced from quiz and final test from sample class and secondary data source, that is sourced from administration / teacher of mathematics SMPN 15 Padang. Instruments used in this study are quizzes and final tests.

               Description The development of students' understanding of mathematical concepts can be known from the value of quizzes given at the end of each meeting. From the analysis of quiz result by using rubric of understanding of mathematical concept that is analytic, obtained a picture of the development of understanding of mathematical concepts seen from the average student quiz score and the percentage of students completed in each given quiz. The average picture of the value of the quiz and the percentage of students who have thoroughly developed though not so good, because the graph has increased the decline.

            The data of the final test result of students that contained indicators of mathematical concept understanding in both sample classes are normal and homogeneous distributed. So to test the hypothesis used the formula t. Hypothesis test of student learning outcomes was analyzed by using t-test. Based on the data analysis with hypothesis test calculation obtained thitung= 1,54 and                   ttabel= t(0,95;55) = 1,675, so thitung< ttabel then hypothesis H0 accepted, meaning hypothesis received is hypothesis H0. Thus, the proposed hypothesis is accepted that the understanding of students' mathematical concepts by applying LSQ type active learning strategy as well / no influence with the understanding of mathematical concepts of students by applying the usual learning in class VII SMPN 15 Padang Year Lesson 2016/2017.

            Based on the results of the study, the authors suggest that teachers or readers can use this learning strategy as an alternative to make the students' mathematics learning outcomes better.


Keywords: Active Learning, Learning Starts With A Question, Understanding of Mathematical Concepts


