
  • Sentia Elsori Fahmi



Mathematics arises from human thought-related ideas, processes and reasoning. Using the reasoning is one of the goals of the learning of mathematics, but in fact the results of student learning are still below Minimum Ketuntasan Criterion (KKM), student learning outcomes is no exception class VIII SMP 32 field. To that end, the necessary research on the ability of the students ' reasoning, especially on the material surface area woke up flat-side.

The purpose of this study was to describe the reasoning ability levels students master and describes the percentage of the number of students who have the ability of inductive/deductive reasoning. The research question is "How does the level of ability of inductive/deductive reasoning grade VIII SMP 32 Padang on the material surface area woke up flat-side space and how many persenkah students who have the ability of inductive/deductive reasoning.

Type of this research is a descriptive qualitative approach peneltian. The population of the research was the whole grade VIII totalling 212 students and samples taken in random sampling by doing a test of its homogeneity obtained   . Upon tabular  with db = 6, the value of between = 12.59 and , thus gained 0.05 < p < 0.10. Shows a larger p >  thus  received, which means the thoroughly learning math for each class the same. Thus researchers choose class VIII1 as sample. Bound variables in this study was the ability of student reasoning while free variable is the surface area of the material the wake side spaces. This type of research is qualitative and quantitative research, with the primary data source is the students who take the test the ability of reasoning and the secondary data source is a field of study and teacher of the school. The instruments used are pieces reserved ability test of reasoning.

Analysis of test results of reasoning ability by way of adjusting it with indicators as well as grades obtained: 1. Students who have ability deductive numbering 10 men of 21 people. 2. Students who have the ability of inductive reasoning amounted to 11 of 21 students who follow the test. 3. Level/levels of reasoning ability is owned by students: a) there are 4 students who have the ability of deductive reasoning being. b) there are 6 students who have the ability of deductive reasoning. c) there are 2 students who have the ability of inductive reasoning being. d) there are 9 students who have a high inductive reasoning ability. 4. As much as 47.62% grade VIII SMP 32 Pastures have capability of deductive reasoning. 5. As much as 52.38% grade VIII SMP 32 Pastures have capability of inductive reasoning.

Conclusion the research that students who have the ability of inductive reasoning more than who has the capability of deductive reasoning. The suggestion that the author can give is as follows: 1. any reasoning Ability, should be more honed and improved. 2. with the capability of reasoning that students have, should be a reference for teachers in teaching by adjusting teaching so that students more easily and quickly understand the material being taught.


Key words: deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, the surface area of the geometry side's flat.


