
  • Lily Fauzia Sanur



               This research is based on the fact that the students of grade VII SMP Negeri 2 Padang already have good knowledge and skill, but not yet able to use it properly. This can be seen from the results of problem solving of the tasks given, that the students are still not able to express the idea. In the process, some students are too confident in solving the problem and not realizing making mistakes. Students are also hesitant in answering teacher questions during the learning process, and there are students who just copy the task of friends even though the students have enough ability to solve itself.

               The purpose of this study is to describe the ability of students’ metacognition in solving math problems in the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Padang. The question in this study is how the level of students’ metacognition ability in solving math problems?

               The type of this research is descriptive research using qualitative research method. The population of the study is all students of class VII SMP Negeri 2 Padang and selected class VII.7 as the sample class. The research instruments are written test and questionnaire.               The research instruments are written test and questionnaire. The results showed that students already use their metacognition capabilities quite well in solving the problem. But from the questionnaire results, students' awareness to express the conclusions look high, while the test answers are still many students who did not bring up the results or conclusions of problem solving. Based on the data analyzed, it can be concluded that the students’ ability to express results of the problem solving on the test is very low, while the questionnaire showed high. This means that students are not able to use their metacognition well in terms of writing results or conclusions.               From the results of research, it is recommended that students should recognize the ability as a provision in solving problems to the fullest. And for further researchers, it is advisable to use other research instruments in collecting data so that the results obtained better research. This study was conducted on a day approaching the final exam of Semester, so the students are less serious in solving the problem and fill in the questionnaire. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the right time so that the data obtained really helps in the achievement of research objectives. Keywords: Metacognition, Problem Solving


