
  • Petrin Febrianti Zein


            This research is based on the low level of mathematics learning result of grade VII students of SMPN 3 Solok Selatan. The low learning outcomes of mathematics students are caused by several factors such as the role of teachers is more dominant than students, students less participate during the learning process, and lack of motivation to learn in students. One way that can be used to overcome this problem is to apply Guided Teaching Method with Quiz in math learning.

The formulation of the problem in this research is whether the result of learning mathematics of students whose learning applying Guided Teaching Method along with Quiz better than the result of learning mathematics of students whose learning apply the usual learning model on the students of grade VII SMPN 3 Solok Selatan.
            This study aims to determine whether the results of learning mathematics students who learn applying Guided Teaching Method with Quiz better, when compared to students whose learning applying the usual learning model. The hypothesis of this study is the result of learning mathematics of students whose learning applying Guided Teaching Method with Quiz better than the result of learning mathematics of students whose learning apply the usual learning model on the students of grade VII SMPN 3 Solok Selatan.

The type of research used is experimental research. The population in this study were students of class VII SMPN 3 Solok Selatan academic year 2016/2017 which amounted to 126 people. Samples were taken two randomly selected classes of class VIIA as control class and VIIB as experiment class. The instrument of this research is Quiz test and test of student's mathematics learning result.

Quiz test data obtained in each meeting and implemented at the end of the experimental class learning. The results obtained by the tendency to increase students' understanding of the material being studied. From the first meeting to the fifth meeting the percentage of students who reach the completeness of the experimental class is still below 50%, ie learning at the second meeting and third meeting caused by the students who are less thorough in doing the Quiz question given. While the data of mathematics learning result of students obtained by giving final test to both sample class. To test the hypothesis used Non-parametric test at significant level       α = 0,05. From the calculation results obtained = 4,53 with db = 1 obtained   (0,02) < p <  (0,05) or 0,01 < p < 0,025. Because p < 0,05 means  is accepted. Thus, it is concluded that the result of learning mathematics of students whose learning applying Guided Teaching Method along with Quiz better than the result of learning mathematics of students whose learning apply the usual learning model on the students of grade VII SMPN 3 Solok Selatan.

Based on the results of the research, researchers suggested to teachers of mathematics study to apply Guided Teaching Method with Quiz in mathematics learning as an alternative to improve student learning achievement.


Learning outcomes, tests, guided teaching, quizzes.


