This research is motivated by the low comprehension ability of students' mathematics concept which is seen in the result of learning mathematics of VII students of SMPN 34 Padang. Learning in the classroom is still centered on the teacher and the lack of student responses in the interaction of the students with the teacher as well as between the students in following the learning process, the lack of students' desire to ask or the less active students during the learning process takes place, students feel difficulty and confusion to complete the exercises, Related to real life. This study aims to determine the activity and the ability to understand the mathematical concepts of students after the use of contextual learning model in class VII SMPN 34Padang.
The type of this research is experimental research, the population in this study is the students of class VII SMPN 34 Padang Year Lessons 2016/2017 consisting of two classes. The technique in sampling is random sampling technique, and to determine experiment class and control class is done randomly, so that VII.6 is selected as experimental class and class VII.3 as control class. The instrument used in this research is the ability to comprehend mathematical concepts. The test form used is an essay form with test reliability is = 0.85.
Students' mathematics learning activity in second grade of sample class experience fluctuation, the percentage of student's mathematics learning activity tends to increase but there is still a decrease of percentage at several meetings, and at each activity from 1 to 6 meeting there is increasing and decreasing percentage. While the results of student learning in both classes of sample research, after hypothesis testing obtained = 3.79 and db = 1 with. Therefore p <0,05 means is rejected and accepted, hence hypothesis in this research accepted. So it can be concluded that the ability to understand the concept of mathematics students using contextual learning model better than the ability to understand the concept of mathematics students with ordinary learning in students of class VII SMPN 34Padang.
Keywords: understanding of mathematical concept, contextual learning model, student learning activity